Impeccable transcription services for the business world

We are NuScript, one of the leading providers of accurate, affordable, and quality transcription services for multiple clients. We let you choose a turnaround time that suits your requirements and deliver on that date or before. All you need to do is choose your desired format of transcript and provide us with the digital voice recording. We shall assign the task to our best business transcriptionists that are subject-matter experts to provide you with error-free business transcription as quickly as possible.

How can our services help you?

As a trusted business transcription provider, we can help you preserve sensitive business information through safe and secure end-to-end transcription process. As a client, you can use this transcribed document in multiple formats. All you need to do is record the business proceedings well, and we shall take care of the rest.

We transcribe multiple file formats such as audio, video, wav, wma, dss, vox, and mp3 among other formats. We convert these files to .doc, .docx, .wpd, .pdf, .txt files with accurate transcription. Our transcriptionists shall provide you with a detailed report of crucial business proceedings that shall help you avoid disputes and lawsuits. Our services shall help you meet your business deadlines and save time and money.

Our business transcription services include:

  • Corporate Transcription
  • Boardroom Transcription
  • Interview Transcription
  • Conference Calls Transcription
  • Dictation Transcription
  • Talks and Lectures
  • Webinars and Seminars
  • Focus Group Transcription
  • Market Research Transcription
  • Media Transcription

Since we employ only experienced and highly skilled transcriptionists, we can guarantee 100% customer satisfaction. Our business transcriptionists have transcribed multiple audio and video products through the years and are well adept at the jargons and phrases. Their ears are as sharp as their typing skills. Hence, they are able to deliver quality work at excellent speed.


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to drive your business outcomes